Monday, September 22, 2014

Caroline at 14 months

Yikes! Since I'm only three days away from 15 months it's hard to remember what milestones Caroline hit before 14 months but I'm pretty sure that she:

-Was pulling up on anything and everything but still no walking.
-Possibly said mama and dada and bird. Although it's still quite hard to tell.
-Had a very active pointer finger.
-Loved to watch the hummingbirds at G-ma and G-pa Ridges.
-Enjoyed playing with her toys.  Even by herself.
- Had two teeth! Her top right and her bottom left which she liked to grind together to make mom crazy.
-She also had a rough patch where she was crying for like 15-20 minutes when I put her down at night. It was so sad. Thankfully that only lasted a week and a half or so and I blame teething.

I'm sure she was doing lots of other things, but I'll save it all for the 15 month post.

Here are the pictures: (She's much more mobile- as the pictures will attest.)

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