Friday, January 16, 2015

Caroline at 18 Months

The Pictures and the stats are actually from January 7th and 8th- but that's what happens when you turn 18 months old on Christmas day.

 Caroline's Stats:
Height: 31 inches (20%- still climbin' the charts!)
Weight: 20 lbs 10 oz (20%)
Head 18 1/2 in (68%)

The 19 month post will probably be pretty short since I'm so late writing this, but oh well...
Lately Caroline...
~ has become frustratingly independent.  She often will only eat what she puts in her mouth.  Forget trying to help her...  unless it's dessert.  Then she'll eat it any way she can.
~ still doesn't really say a whole lot of words in English.   She's gotten pretty good with her signs lately and is a pretty effective communicator.  It's very clear that she understands most any directions that we give to her.
~ "Jumps" by bending her knees a little bit.  Feet stay on the ground.
~ has gotten big enough to climb onto the kitchen chairs... and then onto the table.  She thinks it's a fun game for me to tell her to sit down- which she often will- only to stand back up 2 seconds later.
~ has become a little bit more clingy and selective about who she wants to be buddies with.  Just in time for nursery at church.
~ switched from two naps to one.  Then got a cold and switched back to two naps.  Then changed time zones and was all mixed up but now we're back to  usually taking one nap in the afternoon.
~ has decided that occasionally she wants to have a snack and play in the middle of the night- usually between 1:00 and 3:00 am.  Still not exactly sure what to do about it.
~ has gotten a little bit better about playing with other kids.  She is still very much an observer, but is interacting more and more with other little ones.  It has to be on her terms though.
~ is learning more animal sounds and body parts.  She will usually tell you what sound a doggy makes, occasionally tell you what sounds cats, pigs, ducks, and cows make.  She can also show you where her nose, ears, and tummy are.
~ loves being chased, playing peek-a-boo, reading books, and playing with the ipad.

Other non-Christmas related pictures from this month (apparently I only pull out the camera while she's at the table):

Lovin' some peanut butter on graham crackers.

I was shocked that she actually ate the plain lettuce- but she seemed to like it.

VERY unusual.  She was still getting over her stomach bug.

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