Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We are sowing, er... sewing

 I caught a sewing bug the other week.  We ended up with twirling skirts and t-shirts.  
I had the girls draw a picture for their shirts and then I sewed it onto the shirt. 
Good times... 


  1. way cute! that's my talented cousin! ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh - I didn't realize it would say that I deleted the comment - I saw a grammatical error after I posted and wanted to correct it. But here's my [corrected]comment :)
    There goes the coolest nanny in history again! What did they draw on? Fabric with permanent markers? Nice job, Sara!

  4. They just drew on paper and then I more or less copied it onto the shirt in needle and thread fashion.

  5. Very cute! You always impress me with your craftiness! (I checked this multiple times for grammatical issues to make sure I didn't have to delete my post like Em!).
