Friday, November 17, 2017

Carolina Ballerina (Read it with an Italian accent- it rhymes)

We did another little ballerina class for Caroline.  She seems to really enjoy it- even though she doesn't always follow instructions very well.

Ben liked it, too.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Matthew at 11 months

This kid is only still when he's sleeping and sometimes I wonder even then.
He loves climbing.
Putting everything in his  mouth.
Still only two teeth.
He's an opportunist who will sneak through any door that opens.
He has recently discovered the joys of unrolling the toilet paper.
He is starting to free stand and let go. 
He's been pretty particular with his food temperature lately.  Must be hot or cold- none of this lukewarm business, and he's also wanting what are having instead of his dinner.
Still not sleeping through the night- and is an exceptionally light sleeper.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The rest of October

Trying on costumes.  This was by far his favorite- even though it was a
little bit small and squished his face a little bit when he tried to lift his head.

Happy Birthday to this handsome man!

Had a fun visit from Latisha.  We were able to go to the Payson Temple,
Tucanos, and to BYU Homecoming Spectacular.  It was a fun whirlwind of a weekend.

How to explain.... nope... no explanation.

We went up the canyon for a preschool field trip.  So beautiful!

Still can't quite  get the hang of this walking business.

Painting pumpkins!

We were all about the stripes this year.

Matthew was having a fun time waking up Ben... Ben was less than happy about it.
It was pretty funny to watch. 

Helping dad cut the grass.

Both boys trying to eat an apple at the same time.  I was a little bit worried for my fingers!

One of Ben's favorite places to play.

A common result of no naps.

At the Bean Museum.

Trick or Treat!
(Matthew was a tiger in the stroller)